10 Questions with Muve Health: Meet CTO Brad Rumph
Brad Rumph is the CTO of Muve Health. In addition to bringing over 20 years of custom software development, architecture, and infrastructure experience to Muve, he is an avid skier, cyclist, runner and soccer enthusiast in addition to being our resident Music Master and ad hoc Social Director. Brad makes sure that the team spends as much time enjoying one another's company as we do working hard to bring a reimagined Total Joint Replacement care experience to each and every Muve patient. Below, explore our Weekly 10 Questions Q&A and meet our CTO Brad!
What is your role as CTO of Muve?
As CTO, my job is to inspire, recruit, and lead teams that can design and build innovative software that provides our patients and clinicians with delightful user experiences.
Why did you found Muve/join the founding Muve team?
I really bought in to providing optimized care and care experiences to patients, at an optimized price, while delivering optimized outcomes. We wanted to do this not only by carefully designing our environment and our clinical teams, but also by building our own proprietary, purpose-built technology platform to support our clinicians, thus allowing them to even better support our patients.
What's the change that you want Muve to make in the world of healthcare and total joint replacement?
I’d like Muve to have made an absolutely indelible impression on our patients and their outcomes, so that they refer Muve as the go-to solution to anyone they know needing their joint replaced.
Muve has created a unique JOINTPACTS culture. Which Muve Value do you steward and Why?
I steward Craftsmanship at Muve. I strive to have the the design of our software and overall patient experience be unlike any other offering in the total joint replacement space and totally unique to Muve.
Why did you choose to work in healthcare?
After being a consumer of healthcare for my entire career, I got recruited in 2012 to help build a company that would allow people to shop for healthcare like they shop for anything else. That meant helping them understand the cost of care for major medical procedures, as well as their provider options, before they had the care rendered. I really bought into the notion of "Bending the Healthcare Cost Curve" by educating potential patients on what their options were from a price, quality, and experience perspective.
What does Innovation mean to you?
Innovation is looking at entirely new ways of solving both existing challenges and new ones in a way that adds value to everyone involved.
What excites you most about Muve in 2018?
Growth. Building more Muve facilities around the country and powering facilities and teams with proprietary, purpose-built technology to continue to provide our patients with an extraordinary experience and optimized outcomes.
Favorite way to "Get Up and Muving?"
Coffee, followed by a morning trail run, gravel bike ride, or mountain biking in the Foothills of Boulder.
What Does Better Care By Design mean to you?
Better Care by Design permeates our entire company and care delivery approach. We look to provide Better Care through our people, processes, and technology in such a way that seems virtually seamless to our patients.
...and Lastly, what are you listening to these days?
I'm really digging Liz Cooper and the Stampede - she and her band are amazing so check them out! I've also got TV on the Radio and War on Drugs on rotation on a frequent basis.
To learn more about Muve Health, our visionary team, and our innovative approach to Total Joint Replacement care delivery, visit our website or connect with us on social!